This week we had the second mid-term so I reviewed a lot. On tuesdays's class we learnt the recursion of images. Although this have shown in last week's schedule as well but I didn't quite get it last week. I just watched the video of recursion images last week, but this week I wrote the recipe for this. It was not very hard though, but it requires logical thinking. I think when we define a function, not only we need to think about the orders of the definition, but also need to relate to other functions that we already learnt. Sometimes the parentheses can be confusing too. When I do this function, I just need to have an image inside of my brain and think about what it will look like after I press "run".
The test was not very hard but I'm not sure about the second question which was to explain why computer designers don't just put all the memory in CPU. I thought maybe put some of the memory in Main Memory and some in CPU can make computers run faster and the space in CPU is limited. Other parts were covered by classes so I'm not very worried about the test mark.
I just found out that the aid sheet is useful only when you understand what it talks about. If I didn't read all the notes about computer history, even if I have the aid sheet, I would be very frustrated during the test because I don't know where to find the answer. I didn't put a lot of effort on history part, and I felt a little bit unsure about it. So next time I'll listen to lectures more carefully and review it.