This week's content was hard for me. Honestly, I don't remember what we learnt about Dr.Racket on Tuesday's class. I watched the videos on the website and it was about recursion of triangles.
It is normal that on tuesday's class we have Dr.Racket and on thursday's class we have computer history. We learnt how to reverse a string using Dr.Racket and some applications of rot13. We wrote the recipe for those. There were some confusions. For example, I think I forgot what "substring" means and when I looked at the definition I just got confused. Also, the definition for "palindrome" was so complex and I need to understand it.
The computer history of this week was about hardwares and operating systems. First, we talked about what Von Neumann was. It was a computer architecture design. The hardware is consist of CPU and memory stick.
The project of ecosystem and ball were due this week on Friday. I and my teammate Emily Luo put a lot of effort into it. The "ball" was easy to finish but there was a confusing problem in "ecosystem" which was that the pictures of foxes and mice are constant in sizes. There was no change of size for both of the two species. I didn't know what to put after eaten-mice and dead-foxes, but after asking my TA, I figured it out. It should not be a constant value. It was the quantity of mice and foxes in the ecosystem. We stared the project on Wednesday and we fixed the problem on Friday. We both felt very accomplished. I hope that our project could get a high mark.