Since I still feel unfamiliar and confused by some stuff in this course, I haven't find any thing that I enjoy doing. The most frustrated thing is to use the program DrRacket. I don't know how to define some of the commands. For example. I wrote "flip- vertical", and followed the steps in the videos but it always told me that the function "flip-vertical" is not defined. I think I need to ask for help for this.
The codes are not hard for me to understand. They are really straightforward so I feel confident about them. One of my achievement this week is that I set up my CDF account and I downloaded the DrRacket for my OX system.
I believe that in the following weeks I would get more involved in this course.
Haha I felt really confused at first too! But feeling much better now :D How about you? :P
回复删除yeah, I'm much better now